The Advantage Club is Shoe Clinic's loyalty rewards program. When you shop at Shoe Clinic, in-store or online, you can join for free. The program is all handled by email or through our Shoe Clinic App, so there's no card to carry. We email you your points update or simply check them on the App. When your points reach 500 you'll receive a $50 voucher to spend in-store or online.

Advantage Club test
Earn points with
Earn points with
every purchase.
What is the advantage Club.
How to earn points.
Shop at Shoe Clinic in-store or online. This qualifies you to automatically collect points (one point per dollar spent) every time you shop. These points never expire, so it does not matter how long you take to reach the 500 point mark. Multiple people (i.e. the whole family) can be under the one account.
How to use your voucher.
Your voucher will be sent to your email address you sign in with.
In-store: When you purchase in-store let us know your email address or download our App & we'll take care of the rest.
Webstore: Use your voucher online at the checkout page on our website.